
SART von Rohr has unrivalled expertise in pneumatic actuators for control valves and On/Off valves.

For more than 50 years, SART von Rohr has the widest and most reliable range of pneumatic actuator on the market.

Thousands of customers use SART von Rohr actuators in a wide variety of applications.

SART von Rohr is constantly improving and optimising its pneumatic actuator product range.

The new PA pneumatic actuator series, together with the modernised MA and TMA pneumatic actuators, are even more reliable and powerful.

This new generation of pneumatic actuators is lighter, more compact, much more sensitive and reliable than other pneumatic actuators on the market.

Even the most demanding users will find in the SART von Rohr pneumatic actuators range to meet their needs.

The quality and reliability of SART von Rohr pneumatic actuators is known worldwide.

Pneumatic actuators

Range of products

Small size pneumatic actuatorPA
Large size pneumatic actuatorMA
Powerfull pneumatic actuatorTMA