
SART von Rohr magnetic level gages are widely used in industry as a level measuring instrument.

It is ideal for many applications as it is completely self-contained and requires no power source.

It provides a clear, clear and safe view of what is happening in a tank by means of a magnetic float that gives the position of the liquid level in a tank to an indicator system fixed outside the tank.

The SART Von Rohr magnetic level gages is a simple, robust and reliable construction with exceptional visibility at 180 degrees.

With 50 years of experience in the construction of magnetic level gages, SART von Rohr brings its know-how to highly technical applications on both heavy and light fluids.

SART von Rohr has registered several patents on this type of instrument, in particular on the association of a magnetic level indicator with a radar control system, allowing redundancy of the level measurement feedback.

Deep knows how allows SART von Rohr to build magnetic level gages with special materials, such as PVC or PVDF, which allow to manage technical and aggressive fluids.

Magnetic level gages

Range of products

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