
SART von Rohr's know how in steam production energy optimisation for has led to the development of a wide range of equipments specially adapted to modern boilers.

SART von Rohr has always believed that the accurate fluid controls on a steam boiler is fundamental to achieving significant energy savings.

SART von Rohr has designed a whole range of products that allow the efficient interaction between the feed tank, feed pumps, economiser, level control, continuous blow down, bottom blow down, and energy recovery from the condensate network, to reduce the steam boiler energy consumption .

SART von Rohr has developed complex energy models to simulate the achievable energy savings using each of the optimisation solutions.

The design of SART von Rohr's level control valves takes into account, not only feed water accuracy to prevent boiling stops, but also pumps protection against cavitation and protection against economiser overheating.

The SART von Rohr continuous blowdown control is designed to maintain accurate salt concentration according the boiler manufacturer's recommendations.

The boiler house products

Range of products

Feedwater control valveFW7370
Manual Continuous blowdown control valveHDV
Electric Continuous blowdown control valveHDVE
Manual bottom blowdown valveVEB340